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$14.95 Domain Names from www.dotster.com


Account Owner Information

Dotster has added a new security feature. Please fill out the following information before you continue. Make sure that the information you enter is correct. Dotster will use the information entered here when there are security issues regarding your account. Once you enter this information, you will not be prompted for it again. You will be able change this information at any time by logging into your account.
First Name Last
Company Name
Mailing Address  
City State Zip
Phone Number Fax

Account Login Required

Please take a moment to login to your account. Previously registered Dotster users may skip down to the "Existing Users" login feature. If you are registering a domain name with Dotster for the first time, please take a minute to establish a new account with Dotster. Create a new account by entering a username and password in the appropriate fields in the "New Users" login located directly below.

All domain names registered under an account, will only be accessible with that accounts user name and password. If you require a domains registration information to be accessed by someone other than the account owner, you will need to create a separate account for that domain.

New Users, Please Note: Your user name and password must be at least 6 characters and your password cannot be the same as your username. Also, user names are case sensitive. 


New Users,

    Account Name


    Confirm Password


Existing Users

    Account Name


Step 2: Domain Options

Now that you have selected the appropriate domains, determine how many years you want to register. Dotster provides registration options up to 10 years. Once you are finished, click the next button below.

Set Options: You may select the options on a per domain basis.

1.  とくゆうちん.com    



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Copyright © 2005 hideharu All rights reserved.Revised: LastUpdate:2002/10/27 14:33:00